Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Then three of the thirty chief men … came to David at the cave of Adullum. … And David said with longing, “Oh, that someone would give me a drink of the water from the well of Bethlehem, which is by the gate!” —2 Samuel 23:13, 15, NKJV

The Bible gives this compelling illustration of extravagant devotion as a model for becoming people of one thing. David had been anointed king, but he was not king yet. Jealous King Saul was chasing him from cave to cave. About six hundred men joined David, and they made the cave of Adullum their main headquarters. It was probably late one night, and David was saying with longing, “Oh, that someone would give me a drink of the water from the well of Bethlehem!” Hearing David’s longing, his mighty warriors said, “Let’s go get him some of that water.” They knew it might cost them their lives, but they loved David with extravagance, and it thrilled their hearts to answer his request. They went far beyond the call of duty to answer the longing in their king’s heart. Of all the stories that could have been told of David and his men, this story became famous as one of the most extravagant acts of devotion toward the king. For us, this becomes a picture of devotion to King Jesus. It’s a pattern for becoming people of one thing, with hearts after God’s.


Jesus, the example of David’s mighty men shows me the depth of loyalty and devotion I want to have for You. Let me love You with that level of extravagance and live my life in the pursuit of all that makes You pleased with me.

David’s mighty men were a picture of the
passionate loyalty we should have
to Christ Jesus.

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