Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in. —Proverbs 3:11-12

God does not say to the sinner, “You have sincerely repented, but look at all these unsettled issues in your life. We will see how you do. Come on in, I guess, but We will be keeping a close eye on you.” We think God is this way because we ourselves are this way. People clap with excitement the day a man gets saved and testifies of his desire to leave his old ways and follow the Lord. They cheer and shout, “Praise the Lord! It’s real! It counts!” But within a few months, the same crowd is ready to censure him for issues of immaturity they see in his life. Within days their theology changes, and they no longer delight over his growing faith. They turn into grumpy Pharisees, saying, “Bah humbug! Get it right. We’re keeping our eye on you now.” The Lord says the opposite: “I delight in you when you have zero maturity.” If His gladness were based on our performance, He would be a sad God indeed!


Father, how grateful I am that You delight in me regardless of my immaturity. You love me while You gently lead me into spiritual maturity. Help me to love others in their immaturity and to encourage them to grow instead of discouraging them with my criticism.

Remember, God can enjoy you even while
disapproving of an area of sin in your life.

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