Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

I have set the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure. —Psalm 16:8-9

When you know that God enjoys you, then another miraculous thing happens: you begin to enjoy yourself. You begin to like you. You prefer to be yourself over any other person on Earth. This is a revolutionary change for most people. A woman prayed earnestly, “Lord, I want to love my neighbor as I love myself.” The Lord surprised her with His answer: “That’s the problem—you do. You despise yourself; therefore, you despise your neighbor.” God wants you to inhabit the place of personal enjoyment and satisfaction. It’s a position where, in the secrecy of your own heart, you would rather be who you are than anybody else. That gives you incredible confidence and desire to enjoy and love others. Fireworks go off inside you; streams of life touch your being. There’s nothing like waking up in your own skin and thinking, “I’m glad I am who I am. Thank You, Lord!”


Yes, God, because You love me just as I am, I am glad that You created me to be me. I like being loved by You, and Your love prepares me to love You in return.

It is God’s will that you would come to the
transforming summit of self-acceptance
on your journey.

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