Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. —Isaiah 32:17-18

You must cultivate confidence in God’s affection toward you even when you stumble. If you lack this confidence, then you close your spirit toward Jesus. The revelation that God enjoys you in your weakness transforms you. In my experience, this is the hardest revelation for people to enter into and the place on the spiritual journey where most people stall and stop. The reason? You will never enjoy God more than your revelation of God enjoying you in your weakness. But when you do see that He enjoys you in weakness, then you bear fruit. You begin to enjoy God all the time. Your heart responds in affection. You hear the Godhead, the Three in One, say, “We like you.” Your heart answers, “I like You, then.” Who doesn’t enjoy being with people who like him? So when you understand that God likes you all the time, you respond by liking Him. You start smiling just thinking about God. It happens automatically.


I rest in the fact that You like me, Lord. You want to spend time with me, and You enjoy me just as I am. What an incredible thought, dear Lord, and it fills me with confidence in Your love for me.

You will never enjoy God more than you experience
His enjoyment of you in your weakness.

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