Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them. —Hosea 14:9

If there is even one area of rebellion against God in your life, then your heart won’t flow in the way God promises. Declare war on any area of compromise in your life. You may stumble in that area, but if you are sincerely warring against it, you will still gain ground. After all, the flowing heart is what empowers you to get free from besetting sin. God doesn’t require that you be free from all struggles before He releases His power in your heart. Just the opposite; the power of God helps you get free. It is the wisdom of God and the will of God that we obey Him when we don’t feel like it. I believe in obedience when I don’t feel like obeying. When I’m depressed and feeling horrible, I still need to obey God. However, I obey a lot more and with greater strength when my emotions are touched by the revelation of God’s emotions. Lovers have always made better workers. When desire and enjoyment, even in their beginning stages, are in place, obedience seems like the only reasonable option.


Father, reveal any hidden rebellion in my heart. Touch my emotions with a revelation of Your emotions so that I can follow You in obedience and joy.

Discipline, work, and effort follow much easier
after you have touched at least the beginnings
of enjoyment.

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