Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. —2 Corinthians 3:18

Transformation will not happen simply by hearing a teaching or reading a book. It has to be more than a sermon, more than a class you attend, and more than a video series you watch. You will not find the fire of love for Him by only hearing teachings that exhort you to be a fiery lover. Exhortation to action does not equip your heart to carry out that action. Have you noticed that? Exhortations to “love harder” never awaken love in your heart. A good teaching or book will arouse spiritual desire and give you the vision to go find the food for yourself. It makes you say, “I want it!” But hunger and vision are all books and sermons can offer. In and of themselves, books and sermons will never equip your heart to actually love. That change requires a lifestyle of being in the Word. If you want passion or love for God, then fill your time and your mind with the revelation of God’s passion and love for you.


More and more I long to spend time in Your presence and to behold the beauty of Your being. Develop in me a lifestyle of studying Your Word and spending time in Your presence.

Becoming is good, but God’s sequence says we must
first behold the reality within His heart.

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