Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. —Psalm 86:11

David went beyond a determination to sincerely obey; he became a student of God’s emotions. He wanted to know what wonders, pleasures, and fearsome things filled God’s heart. He had many responsibilities and challenges as warrior and king, but he spent his best energies trying to understand what emotions burned in the personality of God. He had a remarkable hunger to understand the emotions and heart of God, and as a result he had a unique grasp of the emotions, intentions, and passions of God’s heart. This is the one key, the single motivation that empowered David. And if we are to follow in his footsteps toward an understanding of God’s heart, we must have the same motivation. We must yearn to know how God feels, how the passions of His heart move. As we discover the same truths about God’s heart, we will find ourselves living the way David lived and fulfilling the call of God on our generation.


Father, motivate me to desire to understand Your emotions, intentions, and passions. I want to know what You feel, what makes Your heart respond to me in love.

By the anointing and the grace of God, we must
become scholars of God’s heart.

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