Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead, so that they might be judged according to men in regard to the body, but live according to God in regard to the spirit. —1 Peter 4:5-6

Three faces of Jesus Christ—Bridegroom, King, and Judge—will be revealed and emphasized in the unprecedented end-time activities of the Holy Spirit. The revelation of the Bridegroom is what God will use to restore the first commandment to first place. Seeing the passionate Lover will make us passionate lovers of God. The revelation of the King will cause us to operate in the power of God as we go out to meet the great harvest. The revelation of the Judge will cause us to participate with Him in loosing His judgments. As you reach your heart toward Him, be encouraged that a powerful new dimension of His presence is waiting to unfold; it is the mystery of eternal ages, the heavenly Bridegroom and you—His beloved. The explosive power of this revelation will change you and make you ready to meet the challenges of holiness, compassion, and beauty that await you in the glorious age in which you live.


Jesus, You have awakened a passionate love for You within me. I pray that You will fill me with Your power to win the lost to You. I loose Your judgment in this world and pray that You enable me to bring a harvest of souls into Your kingdom.

Open up your heart to the passionate Lover who is
exhilarated and thrilled about you even while
you are maturing in Him.

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