Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear. —Revelation 19:7-8

When God called me to begin seeing myself through the revelation of the bride of Christ, I protested. How could the son of a tough boxer focus on proclaiming to the body of Christ about being a bride? Confused, I said, “Lord, that does not make sense!” Now I understand that I will never enter into a more radical posture as a warrior than as a bridal warrior, a romanced warrior against the kingdom of darkness. We will have power to sustain us in the battle. Other warriors will burn out, they’ll get injured, and the passion in their hearts will be lost. It is so easy to get your heart wounded in the heat of battle. But romanced warriors’ hearts are more protected and empowered because they carry their primary reward (which is the power to be exhilarated in love and fascinated with beauty) within their hearts. Though they may even die as martyrs, their hearts die aflame with the passion of Christ’s love.


I want to be Your bridal warrior, dear Savior, and to fight the good fight of faith in Your power and strength. Let my heart be strong in the fire of Your love.

In the posture of a bridal warrior, we will be
secure, and our hearts will be protected.

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