Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Do you not say, ‘Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. —John 4:35

I believe a great revival is coming, as well as a great harvest of souls. God’s people must be ready, since we are the ones who will be caring for the multitudes that come. History reveals that we will reproduce converts after our own kind. I sometimes find myself praying, “God, don’t fully release the harvest until You release something in Your church that is worthy of imparting to the multitudes of new converts. Don’t allow another generation of easily offended Christians who lust for money, power, position, and pleasure to come forth. Please fill us with the knowledge of Your Son’s splendor and loveliness before You bring hundreds of millions of new believers to us for training.” Remember, Paul prophesied that the knowledge of Jesus would continue until we all attain to unity, intimacy, and maturity.


Lord, I’m no longer content to keep You all to myself while those around me live in sin and hopelessness. Train me in Your ways so that I can be a part of Your great army moving in unity, intimacy, and maturity to win the lost.

We will impart what we possess into those
new believers.

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