Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.” —Luke 10:2-3

So many Christians today are content to sit behind the church’s stained-glass windows in their own little comfort zones, unconcerned with the disastrous plight of unbelievers outside the door of the church. Too many today are focused primarily on seeking to find the good life for themselves. They are seeking Jesus as the way to make life happier. This is the extent of their focus. Why are we Christians lolling around passively in our own little comfort zones, tuning out the Holy Spirit, neglecting the place of prayer and the Word of God? Why are we ignoring God’s promptings to reach out to the lost and needy? Why do we compromise and backslide? What are we doing? The Lord of indescribable splendor and glory is going to reveal Himself to the church. That revelation will awaken a deep response of absolute obedience and affection. We will never turn back to our compromise and passivity.


Grip my heart with the brokenness of others who are lost in sin. Let me see their hopelessness when they pass me on the street; let their cries for help fill my ears and cause me to take the hope of Your great salvation to them.

Many believers are unwilling to take any new risks
or to stretch beyond the known comfort of the church
to take the love of God to those who
know nothing of it.

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