Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How is your beloved better than others, most beautiful of women? How is your beloved better than others, that you charge us so? My lover is radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. —Song of Solomon 5:9-10

In my opinion, Song of Solomon 5:10-16 is the most outstanding statement of love in the Word of God. The maiden stands stripped and wounded before her accusers and proceeds to describe some of the precious attributes of her beloved king in symbolic language, mentioning his head, hair, eyes, cheeks, lips, hands, body, legs, countenance, and mouth. She praises the excellence of who he is, the infinite loveliness of everything he does. “He’s dazzling! … This is my beloved and this is my friend,” she cries. It is the knowledge of her beloved that stabilizes her. She is overflowing in worship as she declares the splendor of his personhood through these ten attributes. Her response is not one of offense with him for withdrawing his presence and allowing rejection from others. Rather, she magnifies his greatness as one who is lovesick.


Lord, the beauty of Your person and the glory that surrounds You are infinitely brighter than anything else. You bring the light of Your presence into my life and dispel the darkness that surrounded me.

She focuses on the reality of his
majestic personality.

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