Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

O daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you — if you find my lover, what will you tell him? Tell him I am faint with love. —Song of Solomon 5:8

Like Job, this maiden did not know that the test she was experiencing would be only for a season. In the midst of pain, she was maturing in the Spirit. It is as if we can hear her proclaiming, “I’m not in it for myself anymore. I’m in it for You, my beloved King. You are my passion and portion.” Next, we find her saying to the daughters of Jerusalem, the spiritually immature believers: “If you find my Beloved, tell Him I’m not angry. I’m not offended because He withdrew and let this happen to me. I love Him. I’m lovesick, not angry.” When the Lord sees that response of love in us, even while we are walking in the midst of the fiery test, He exclaims, “Yes! That is the heart of My true bride!”


All I desire, dear Father, is to live in Your presence. No matter what comes into my life, help me to search for the way back into Your presence and to be willing to walk through the fiery test to stand before You as Your purified bride.

In the midst of pain,
she was maturing in the Spirit.

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