
And when he [the Holy Spirit] is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. —John 16:8

One night I was pleading with sinners to accept the invitation to be present at the marriage supper of God’s only begotten Son. I felt that death was very near. I told them someone was refusing for the last time, and the coffin and winding sheet were near. Oh, how I pleaded with them to accept while there was mercy.

One old man was so convicted he could not stand it. Yet, he would not yield. He left the house, cursing the Methodist church. He thought to run away from God. But swift judgment was on his track. In going out of town the train ran over him and killed him. The next morning before seven o’clock, he was in his winding sheet and ready for the coffin. It caused a wonderful excitement. Some said I prayed for God to kill him, and that they would not have me pray for them for fifty dollars. Others said I mesmerized the people, and many were afraid to come to the church. So I told the congregation they need not stay away. We could pray for them at their homes, and God would answer our prayers. God would make them so sin-sick that they would be glad to come to church and beg for mercy. Praise God! He was working in His own way. Conviction took hold of the people.

Lord, help me not to put off Your
will for my life. Amen.

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