Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Governing From Your Prayer Closet

Kyle Searcy

Election Day … it did it again! The results produced a myriad of emotions ranging from convulsive joy in some to severe depression in others.

I’m fascinated every time I see our democratic process unfold. The fact that we, the people, actually get to elect the leaders of our nation intrigues me. But we have learned to put so much hope in government that people are often crushed beyond measure if their candidate loses or relieved beyond reason when their candidate wins. Both emotional extremes are unnecessary since scripture suggest that no matter who wins an election for office, we can still win.

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people­—for kings and all those in authority—that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4, NIV).

These verses are potent! The first duty and response of a believer should be to pray. And I know we did. The preponderance of anti-Christian policies emerging from the current administration had many Christians praying fervently for the outcome of this election.

Many, if not most, were hoping that our president would not win a second term for the sake of moral issues like same-sex marriage and abortion. Many called 40-day fasts, 30 days of worship, 21 days of intense prayer and the like. There were large assemblies and small gatherings across this nation hoping to affect the outcome of this election.

Now that the numbers are in and the winner has been chosen, the question is: as believers what should we do next? In the verses above, the Apostle Paul gives a strong admonition that prayer must continue.

First of all, prayer should be made for all people but especially for kings and those who are in authority. Ronald Reagan was not ruling the Roman Empire when Paul wrote this; it was Emperor Nero in power. Nero is perhaps the most wicked, anti-Christian king who ever lived.

But in response to and in lieu of the persecution, martyrdom and treachery, Paul’s admonition and soft command was that his contemporaries must pray for Nero and all that were in power. His words ring true today as well—if we pray, the result is that we will lead a quiet and peaceable life. In other words, first century Christian prayers—our prayers—will affect any regime and its policies.

We can govern from the prayer closet.

Jesus said, “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly” (Matthew 6:6 KJV).

We can affect what politicians think and the decisions they make. The voting booth is not the only place that our voice can be heard; the prayer altar also has a megaphone on it.

We need to pray, not for the success of an anti-Christian agenda—on the contrary—but that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life! Pray daily for President Barack Obama. Pray for the senators and representatives by name. Pray for your local mayor and city council members.

Have we lost faith that our prayers can unlock heaven’s power? Remember, prayer releases angelic activity. If your guy didn’t make it into office, send “God’s guys” (His angels) to influence those in office! So, I encourage you continue to call 40 days of prayer and 30 days of fasting. Declare 21 days of worship and solemn seasons of consecration. Whatever you do, just don’t stop praying! Pray that:

  • God will lead President Obama
  • His advisors won’t mislead Him
  • His policies will line up with scripture
  • His protection and safety
  • National and personal spiritual awakening

Let’s allow our voice to continue to be heard in heaven. Let’s exercise our most sacred duty as believers more fervently than ever. The quality of our future depends on it.

Kyle Searcy is Pastor of Fresh Anointing House of Worship Montgomery, Ala., and Norcross, Ga. He is a Bishop in the International Council of Evangelical Churches. He is also the author the newly released book The Secrets of Biblical Wisdom, available wherever books are sold.

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