Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

6 Days Before Easter: Man’s Feeble Attempt to Stop God

Many believe that Jesus will once again enter Jerusalem through the Golden Gate when He comes again in glory.

When coming into Jerusalem prior to his death and resurrection, Jesus entered the city through the Golden Gate into the temple ground. There is deep significance in Jesus’ choice to use that gate, which was reserved for the high priest to use.

Jesus was and is our high priest, the one who atoned for our sins.

Since then, man has closed up that gate with bricks because many believe Christ will use the gate again when he once again enters the city of Jerusalem after his Second Coming. It’s another one of man’s feeble attempts to stop God.

Christian author and pastor Jamie Buckingham says in this video devotional that, although men will continue to brick up the gate to which Jesus enters and remains in your heart, the attempt will be feeble if you hold onto His promises for your life. {eoa}

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