Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

3 Prophetic Ways to Pray for Iran Right Now

1. Keep praying that a great wave of the Holy Spirit in Iran will continue bringing Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ.

I believe the unrest in Iran reflects exposure of the oppression and lies of the Islamic theocracy. It may well be that God has sent a wave of the Holy Spirit in order to bring the Iranian people to faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Keep praying that the death curses spoken against America and Israel will be broken and turned to the blessing of knowing life in Jesus Christ.

For years the Lord has led us to pray that those who chant the curses of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” will be blocked.

The Lord promised Abraham in Genesis 12:3: “I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you, and in you all families of the earth will be blessed.”

Based on this promise, we can pray that the people of Iran will be blessed again as they bless, instead of curse, Israel and the Jewish people.

3. Pray that God will use the words spoken by Donald Trump in his United Nations speech to free the captives in Iran and institute a just and free governmental order.

The unrest in Iran is a remarkable affirmation that God is indeed working through Trump’s spoken words. Our role as intercessors is to pray his prophetic words will shape reality.

We can pray that President Trump’s words, which have cast a vision for Iran, will be made consistent with the Father’s purposes in the world. We can ask God to work through them. {eoa}

This article is an excerpt from Discerning the Timescourtesy of Revive Israel’s newsletter.

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