Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

3 Major Prayer Priorities for July

While our allegiance is first to Jesus Christ and His kingdom, where we are already citizens, our hearts are still broken over where our earthly nation is today. We are broken, torn, divided and mean-spirited. Even with all of our faithful intercession for unity, the division in these last few weeks has been greater than ever.

Yet, my hope is in the Lord and all of this indicates to me that Satan is fighting God’s people in a greater way now more than ever before. The spiritual warfare is great; therefore, we must fight this great battle with all of the power of God that we have now and will receive from the Lord Himself.

Call upon thousands of churches, pastors and Christians to join us now in praying for our nation during July. These are what I sense from the Lord to be three of our greatest priorities. I appeal to you to join me in this great spiritual battle.

Prayer Priority No. 1: Oh, Dear God, we cry out to You for America.

“Then Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

  • As Jesus Christ forgave those who killed Him and all of us that brought about His death because of our own sin, we ask You to give each of us the same kind of forgiving spirit toward each other that Christ has for us.
  • Oh Lord, America is so divided and speech about and to each other is so hateful and un-Christlike, please flood this nation with a wave of understanding, God’s forgiveness and love.
  • Father, we cry out to You alone for our nation! We are sick. We are sinful. We are in major need spiritually and relationally. So God of heaven, please forgive us of our sinfulness and the way we treat You and one another. Forgive us! Give us, oh Jesus, a forgiving spirit toward all people.
  • Oh Jesus, remove all anger, bitterness, slander, harsh words and hatefulness in our hearts and please empower us to walk in the freedom of God’s forgiveness, always forgiving others, daily and continually.
  • Lord, bless Your people by the thousands who will be participating from July 1-31 in “31 Days of Prayer For My Nation“, and answer the prayers of Your people as we call out to You for our nation.

[Tweet “Lord, we appeal to You to bring solutions to these complex and difficult challenges in our nation.”]

Prayer Priority No. 2: Sovereign God in heaven, we ask You to intervene supernaturally over these delicate but serious issues facing America.

“Thus says the Lord of Hosts: Execute true justice, show mercy and compassion, every man to his brother. Do not oppress the widow, orphan, sojourner, or poor. And let none of you contemplate evil deeds in your hearts against his brother” (Zech. 7:9-10).

  • Lord Jesus, give us Your heart of love and compassion for the people who are least able to defend or speak up for themselves: the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, the poor and anyone else.
  • Father in heaven, intervene supernaturally with the president and White House administration, the members of the U.S. House of Representatives and the members of the U. S. Senate as they work to resolve among themselves these delicate and serious issues facing America. Ask God to lead them to:
    • Solve the immigration crisis and caring for the children and families in deep need
    • Overcome the opioid and drugs crisis
    • Protect all persons experiencing sexual harassment and abuse
    • Cease the mistreatment and devaluing of other persons
    • Bring racial unity in America
    • Protect religious freedom nationally and internationally
    • Provide the security in our nation internally and externally
    • Expedite the judicial and political appointments process
    • Hallow the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception through death
    • Meet the needs of our veterans, our nation’s military, and their families
    • Address the needs of poverty compassionately
    • Strategically care for widows and orphans
  • Lord God, please give the president and the U.S. Senate the wisdom they need to work together as the president nominates the next associate justice of the Supreme Court and the Senate has the opportunity to confirm the nomination. Father, raise up a person who will honor You and Your Word in their decision making.
  • Lord, we know nothing else but to appeal to You to bring solutions to these complex and difficult challenges in our nation.

Prayer Priority No. 3: Oh Lord, we call upon You to move Your church to agree clearly, unite visibly and pray extraordinarily for the next great spiritual awakening in America.

“These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication” (Acts 1:14a).

  • Holy Spirit, we know that preceding Your epic movement upon the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, You brought Your people together to pray continually.
  • Spirit of God, convict the churches in our nation to wake up spiritually, agree clearly, unite visibly and pray extraordinarily for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America to occur in our generation.
  • Lord Jesus, we call upon You to bring spiritual awakening now in America, shaping the future of America, just as the Great Awakenings in our history have shaped our spiritual heritage as a nation.

Thank you for standing with the National Day of Prayer Task Force in mobilizing unified public prayer for America. May God hear our prayers and meet our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. {eoa}

Ronnie Floyd is the president of the National Day of Prayer and the senior pastor of Cross Church.

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