Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

19 Days Before Easter: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Jamie Buckingham

Jesus spent much of His time during His earthly ministry poking holes in religious balloons. The Pharisees of Jesus’ day observed many of the traditions of men, and Jesus consistently called them out for it.

One of the traditions was that the Pharisees forbid people from helping their parents—no matter how great the need—with the money, or Corban, that had been dedicated to God. But Jesus said meeting the needs of the elderly was exactly what the Corban was designed for.

In this video devotional, Christian author and Pastor Jamie Buckingham says that “the law is only fulfilled when we love God with all of our hearts and love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves.” He urges us to “find someone to help, using our time and/or money to bless someone else.”

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