Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

10 Reasons Praying Is Always Worth Your Time

Take time to pray.

So why pray in the first place? Let me give you just some of the benefits to a consistent life of prayer. This is hardly a complete list, but since this is a post, not a book, I figured I should start here.

1. Relationship with Jesus.

If this were the only reason to pray, it would be plenty. We get to build a friendship with God. But there is more.

2. Health Reasons

The science I have seen indicates that there are many health benefits to taking time to pray: lowered blood pressure, strengthened immune system and decreased arthritis.

3. Helps with my relationships.

I find I am easier to deal with after a time of prayer. This makes my time of prayer a positive thing for those people close to me. If I am a nicer person to be around, my friendships have a better chance to grow.

4. Prayer impacts my family.

I see the difference in my family when I pray. I am investing in my daughter’s future every time that I pray for her. My marriage can get deeper and deeper as I pray for it.

5. Prayer impacts whatever I am praying about.

If I am praying for my church and leaders, it makes a difference. It is like a buffet (and I like buffets). Anything in the world that I would like to impact can be touched in my prayer life.

6. I get direction for my days as I pray.

Sometimes God will speak to me about specific assignments for the day or topics for this blog. Other times He will give me more long-term direction. I never know what God will say when I pray.

7. Prayer gives me perspective.

It is easy to get focused on my immediate concerns, worries and cares. Prayer helps me step back and get the perspective of heaven and eternity. This helps life issues take on the right size.

8. Prayer helps me avoid temptation.

Jesus teaches us to pray, “Lead [me] not into temptation” (Matt. 6:13, Luke 11:4). We don’t know all the sin we avoid simply by praying this prayer. I figure having to go down that road is worth it.

 9. Prayer makes me more effective.

It is amazing what I get done when I pray over my list of things to do. I somehow am more productive than otherwise. And sometimes things that used to seem so important get eliminated from my list altogether.

10. Answers for needs

I have seen too many answers to prayer over the years to not include this. Miracles happen! But will we ask?

As I said, reason No. 1 would be enough, but none of the others are too shabby either. Let me recommend taking a moment right now to get some of the benefits. {eoa}

Kevin Senapatiratne is head spiritual pyromaniac for Christ Connection. Kevin speaks around the United States, helping Christians find the fun of prayer. He is the author of Enjoying Prayer. You can learn more about his ministry at

This article originally appeared at

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