Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

And Miriam the prophetess . . . took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and dances. —Exodus 15:20

God has never done a greater miracle or demonstrated His presence in so great a cloud of glory as at the time of Miriam. While under the inspiration and light of His presence, their whole bodies and spirits going out in love, the whole multitude of women led by Miriam the prophetess, praised the Lord with dancing, shouting, and music, singing a new song that had never been sung just given to them by the Spirit.

Do you call that foolishness? No, they were praising the Lord in the dance and song as they were moved in and by the power of God.

Moses also led the hosts in the same way, with music and dancing, and a new song given for the occasion by the Spirit. So the Holy Ghost is falling on the saints of God today, and they are used the same way. Those who never danced one step are experts in the holy dance, and those who do not know one note from another are expert musicians, in playing many different instruments of music. Often the sounds of invisible instruments also can be plainly heard all over the house.

And I say, in the fear and presence of God, the singing and demonstration puts the fear of God on the people and causes a holy hush to come over the people. The strange acts are coming more and more, showing they are something new, and that Jesus is coming soon. The Lord is getting His bride ready to be translated, to dance and play at the great marriage of the Lamb.

With joy, I dance before You, My Lord Jesus,
declaring Your praises, for You have won
every victory. Amen.

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