Plan Your Counterattack on the Enemy Today with These 3 Steps

Then Elijah said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of the Lord; but Baal’s prophets are four hundred and fifty men” (1 Kings 18:22).

One of the easiest ways the enemy attacks is to cause you to think that you’re alone. He wants you to run and hide. The warfare may be intense for a moment. Prophet, you got this. This is not your first face-off with the enemy.

The Lord reminds you that you have a host of angels awaiting your command to move into action. Get into a quiet space and lean into His presence for a plan to deploy. You must be aware of what the enemy is up to, but not focused on it.

His tactic is to have you frozen with fear so you can’t move to action.

First things first, you’re not alone. That’s the first deception you need to dismiss. You stand in God’s authority, so you’re standing in heavenly places in Christ. He gained victory so that you can walk it out.

Yes, you must be aware of the plots of the enemy. You need to know where he’s attacking and why. Is there an open door? Is it a distraction for something bigger up ahead? What’s his strategy? Your counterattack must be to take him out.

Know when to engage and when to withdraw.

Your second course of action is to stay focused on the assignment. This ensures you are razor-sharp and will hit the target every single time. This isn’t the time to second guess yourself. The enemy will send his minions to distract you. Keep your eyes on the bull’s-eye.

The final step is to rest. After every battle, you need to recharge. The Lord didn’t intend for us to be at war all the time. He’ll set another prophet to pick up where you left off. The Lord will nurse your battle scars to health before He sends you out to the battlefield again.

Practical Project

  1. Seek the Lord for wisdom on which problem to deal with first.
  2. What’s your course of action? Don’t engage until the Lord says so.
  3. Recharge. Take some time to replenish in the presence of the Lord. The work isn’t all up to you.

Eloise Flanders is a powerful member of the #NextGenProphets team in Toach Ministries International. She is a graduate of the Prophetic School. Passionate and full of heart, Eloise is a prophet through and through with a focus on prayer and revelation.

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