Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Why God Calls Us to Stand on the Side of Life

God knew you before you were born. He created you on purpose and with purpose. In a recent episode of Make Life Matter on the Charisma Podcast Network, Angela Donadio shares a timely and poignant message of truth, healing and hope for anyone living in the shadow of abortion, and for those seeking a biblical perspective on the sanctity of life. God is not neutral nor is He silent when it comes to the silent cry of the unborn. God stands on the side of life—and as His followers, so should we.

Pray. Prayer aligns our heart with the heart of God, and with His heart for people. Remember that in the womb, God is working. We can repent for actions that have grieved God or wounded others. We can receive God’s forgiveness to forgive ourselves from choices and receive deliverance from haunting memories or shame. We can also receive the grace to forgive others.

Support. Second, we can support the men and women who choose life over an abortion and our local crisis pregnancy center. We can support the choice for life through adoption. Ask God how He would have you be Jesus in the flesh. We are not just to love with words, but with action.

Speak. Third, we can speak up for the sanctity of life and for the rights of the unborn. Remember that Jesus only spoke what the Father told Him to speak. We are to speak when and in the ways God calls us to, and to speak the truth in love. We can contact our representatives and senators to protect the sanctity of life and the rights of the unborn.

Study. Study the Word of God and ask the Holy Spirit to help you apply it to your everyday life. God’s Word is our answer to the complex dilemmas we face today in America and around the world. Saturate yourself with the Word so you can ground your worth and your choices in what God says instead of the narrative of our culture.

Share. God wants you out of the shadow of abortion. Stay open to the possibility that God might want you to share your story. Perhaps it’s in the safety of a counselor’s office or in the middle of a crisis in another woman’s life where God may to use you as an instrument of preservation and hope.

For more resources, visit or call 844-289-4673. And listen to the full episode here. {eoa}

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