Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

What Will We Leave Them?

For the sake of our children, it is time to disobey.

Our society is increasingly criminalizing our right to stand up for what we believe. The media has encouraged the trend by making it vogue to be tolerant of every kind of perversion and by villainizing Christians who choose a biblical standard for their lives. How far will we allow this trend to go?

The nation I inherited as an adult was different from the one I was born into. Though it was imperfect morally, as Christians we could speak freely.

But when I was an adolescent in 1963, the Supreme Court removed Bible reading and prayer from public schools as a result of Murray v. Curlett. Before I hit voting age, they legitimized murder in the form of abortion through Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court rulings were made in an era when the church discouraged Christians from becoming involved in the public arena.

Now our nation is reaping the harvest of these rulings: a severe lack of righteousness in all sectors of society. Our current state proves what 18th century Irish statesman Edmond Burke once said: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Recently I spoke with leaders of various prayer ministries in Washington, D.C., whose greatest desire is for God’s plan to be implemented in our nation. Their primary concern is not politics, but
righteousness. Though our nation has a strong Judeo-Christian foundation, many are concerned that our basic freedoms of religion and speech are at risk due to the current profusion of “hate” legislation.

Not long ago in Central Florida, a representative was persecuted because he told a group of gay high school activists that he believes homosexuality is a sin. Such treatment should be unacceptable to us!

As Christians, we are compelled by God to love homosexuals, but we must not be intimidated into accepting their lifestyle or refraining from stating what God’s Word says about it. Yet in the last 4 years, the government has produced educational manuals for schools that teach children it is intolerant for a person to speak against a homosexual lifestyle.

I challenge you to stand up to the trend that takes away your right to speak for righteousness. Peacefully living by a higher law has been used by many great reformers. It is the model to bring change that Jesus lived.

If we don’t protest,what kind of world will we leave our children? Will they be unable to speak about Christ in public? Perhaps–unless we act now to let our voices be heard, first by God and then by the media and the government. Don’t allow evil to triumph by doing nothing; speak up! *

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