How to Empower Your Children’s Spiritual Growth and Connection

Our children’s first experience with the kingdom of God starts at home! We are our children’s first pastors, and our home is their first church experience. In my recent interview with Seth Dahl, author of Raising Sprit-Led Kids, on Revealing Jesus, we discussed how God changed his vision to see how empowering parents to reveal Jesus in the home shifted his ministry!

We are called to reveal Jesus in every aspect of our lives, including our homes. The Christian lifestyle permeates every aspect of our being, not just our Sunday mornings. In this episode of Revealing Jesus, Seth and I discuss the power of connecting with our children and encouraging their natural spiritual abilities for the kingdom of God.

Our children are born with an innate ability to connect with the kingdom of God; we are called to encourage it and guide that connection.

“Kids are highly, highly sensitive to the spirit realm, and I think they unlearn a lot of stuff from us,” Dahl said on a recent episode of Revealing Jesus on the Charisma Podcast Network. It’s our job to make sure we don’t teach that out of them. If you want to enter the kingdom of God, we need to become like little children. “We are the ones who need to become like them to access what God has for us, but most of the time, we are trying to make them like us,” said Dahl.

Jesus is the great God of connection, and his idea of family is where it all begins. Jesus wants to invade your parenting style and home with His love, presence and wisdom. Parents, you are not on your own when it comes to equipping and encouraging your child in every aspect of their development.

To hear more of my conversation with Seth Dahl about how you can encourage and empower your children’s connection with Jesus, listen to the entire episode of Revealing Jesus. Also, be sure to listen to the end for powerful prayer and encouragement for parents. Be sure to check out Raising Spirit-Led Kids wherever books are sold. If you are hungry to hear more of Jesus through teaching, interviews and testimonies, listen to Revealing Jesus with Christina Perera on the Charisma Podcast Network now. Be sure to subscribe to Revealing Jesus on your favorite platform for more inspiring interviews like this one. {eoa}

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