Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Celebrate a Father’s Love

In June, we celebrate our fathers. This is a day where many people send well wishes and gifts to their earthly fathers. I was blessed with a father who took the lead on family devotions and prayer. He made sure we did not miss an opportunity to be in Sunday school, church or youth group. He was not a pastor but a farmer who very well knew the importance of God being in our lives.

In May, my nephew’s home was blessed with a baby boy. This is a verse I shared with him and his wife: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6).

For those dear fathers in this world, it is my prayer that God is continually growing you to be the men God has called you to be. I pray that you are the spiritual leaders in your homes and that you are growing with the Lord. The Bible is feeding your spirits daily, and you walk in step with the Holy Spirit.

There are people who do not know their early father, or their father passed away when they were young. Our greater Father to celebrate is God the Father. The Bible also refers to Him as “Abba.” The Bible tells us God loved us so much He gave His one and only Son to save us. (See John 3:16-17.) God made a way for us to join Him in heaven for eternity one day. As I continue to study the Bible, these are words I can think of to describe Him: Creator, protector, provider, promise keeper, miracle worker, prayer answering, caregiver, burden bearer, healer, Good Shepherd, listener, battle warrior, loving, preparer, faithful, gracious, merciful and powerful. The list would go on! He is a wonderful Father, and He chooses to love you richly and intimately. Sometimes, God can overwhelm me and leave me speechless. That is how awesome He is! I have a passion to share that with you.

We have been digging into two of my books, Heaven Bound and Walking The Talk. I would like to invite you to spend some time with me in Bible study. We will be diving into sharing Jesus with those around us as well as growing with the Lord. You can read along and listen to my recent episode of Loved Always on Charisma Podcast Network. My website,, has links to purchase each book. Bring along your Bible, as it is the foundation for any book I write to help believers. There are countless Scriptures in these books. We will only be able to touch the surface within this framework. I would like to make sure you have great resources that help you in your journey with the great God we love, serve and worship. {eoa}

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