Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

3 Steps to a Wise Eye Covenant

It takes more than a firm decision to do this well

Before making an eye covenant, consider this practical advice:

Don’t make an eye covenant until you’re absolutely ready. Wait until you know the Lord’s grace is leading you to do it. Don’t allow a premature or hasty covenant to turn a means of grace into a vehicle for condemnation.

Personalize the wording of your covenant according to your unique vulnerabilities. Write a covenant for your eyes that will help you “possess [your] vessel in sanctification and honor” (1 Thess. 4:4).

Use every tool for purity you can find to assist you in being faithful. This might include confession, repentance, prayer, Bible reading, Scripture memorization and meditation, fasting, an accountability partner, Internet monitoring software, the full armor of God (Eph. 6:10-19) and making no provision for the flesh (Rom. 13:14)—that is, not placing yourself in a context where temptation might present itself.

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