Sat. Oct 5th, 2024
Charisma Media archives

Have you been feeling hopeless, sick, depressed, anxious or fearful over the course of these past two years? The enemy of our souls has been turning up the heat every way possible.

But his plan is failing and we must remember, especially during the intensity of these harsh days, that the enemy has not only failed, he was defeated over 2,000 years ago!

The pastors who are preaching the same old Bible verses week after week and who are supplying their congregations with entertaining laser light shows are being complicit for not standing up against the spiritual warfare that has been coming at God’s people at warp speed. We are living in times where Bible prophecy is being fulfilled with great acceleration.

Prophecies that took years to come to fruition are now being fulfilled in months, weeks and days. Now is not the time for fog machines, skinny jeans, waterslide baptisms and coffee shops. It is not the time to entertain the troops. It is time for battle.

Now is the time for the church to “GET UP!” and bring people to God before it is too late. This is not time to sing “In the Sweet, By and By.” God needs His children to wake up and get up.

It’s time to awaken. God is shaking this earth right now to wake us up. This is not about being “woke,” rather it is to wake up and awaken others to the very real battle that the enemy is waging against us. “Yes, Jesus Loves Me” is what we sang in Sunday School. But we have graduated a long time ago and now we are living in the end times. The enemy is all out to destroy God’s people, now more than ever, because we have been letting him have his way.

We must wake up for the coming shake up. God is going to shake everything that can be shaken and there will be no mistake that it is He who is doing it and it is for one purpose. To let it be known that He alone is almighty God and no one or no thing is greater or more powerful than He. When believers and non-believers alike experience this shake up, the great awakening will happen in the form of the biggest revival in history.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with us, wanting everyone to come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9)

There is going to be a whole lotta shaking going on in the earth from the heavenly realm.

Wake Up. Stand Up. Put your faith in action.

Put on the full armor of God. If you truly believe the word of God, it’s go time.

Let’s fight the good fight of faith and together let’s watch revival come one last time.

Janet Maccaro, PhD, CNC, is a respected lecturer, author and radio/television personality. She has doctorates in nutrition and natural healing and is also a leading expert in natural progesterone supplementation. She is internationally recognized for her knowledge in women’s health. Maccaro is a member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and the Advanced Writers and Speakers Association. Dr. Maccaro has written several books, including 90-Day Immune System MakeoverBreaking the Grip of Dangerous EmotionsNatural Health Remedies and her latest release, A Woman’s Body Balanced by Nature.

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