New House Speaker Jumps Quickly Into Center of American Morality Issue

Newly-elected Speaker of the House Mike Johnson of Louisiana worked 15 years ago as the spokesman for the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), now known as the Alliance Defending Freedom. One of the organization’s core missions is defending family values.

In his role as spokesman, Johnson described homosexuality as “sinful destructive” and stated that there is no “clear right to sodomy in the Constitution.”

Homosexuality is “inherently unnatural” and a “dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy,” he added. Viewed through the lens of Scripture this is of course clear as day, and a key component of Jehovah’s never-ending order. Ancient Israel was sent into captivity as a result of violating the divine order.

Last week Speaker Johnson found himself defending the Biblical worldview to, of all people, FOX News’ Sean Hannity. Homosexual intercourse is condemned as immoral and an “abomination” in both the Old and the New Testaments, in Leviticus 18:22 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, respectively.

“Go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it—that’s my worldview,” the Speaker said to Hannity. “That’s what I believe, so I do not apologize for it. I also genuinely love all people regardless of their lifestyle choices. This is not about the people themselves. I am a Bible-believing Christian.”

Homosexuality is not a new problem in world history.

As 1 Kings 14:24 reveals, Solomon’s son King Rehoboam’s reign was marred by homosexual sin: “There were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They committed all the repulsive acts of the nations that the LORD dispossessed before the Israelites.”

In 1 Kings 15:12, King Asa “expelled the male cult prostitutes [sodomites] from the land and removed all the idols that his fathers (Solomon, Rehoboam and Abijam) had made.” The Hebrew term qedeshim used in the verse translates as “those practicing sodomy and prostitution in religious rituals.”

Dr. Peter J Leithart in his 1 & 2 Kings Commentary transcribes the Hebrew in unvarnished candor: “Things get worse as we move ahead. In Judah, Maacah the daughter [or granddaughter] of Abishalom is the mother of Abijam (15:2). Abishalom is a variant of Absalom, David’s son, and this text implies that Abijam marries his cousin, the daughter of his father Solomon’s half-brother. Nothing in the Torah forbids this degree of consanguinity, but 15:10 is shocking: Asa, Abijam’s son (15:8), is also the son of Maacah daughter of Abishalom (15:10): that is, Abijam has children by his mother. … Incestuous royal marriages are known elsewhere in the ancient world [e.g., Egypt], but the Torah forbids cross-generational incest in the most strenuous terms (Lev. 18:7; 20:11) and warns that incest in the kind of abomination that causes the land to “spew out its inhabitants.”

Rather than being ejected, however, homosexual intercourse and marriage became in modern America a State-sanctioned sacrament by a 5-4 edict in the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges case. At least two and maybe three of the U.S. Supreme Court Justices had performed same-sex marriages prior to hearing the case and refused to recuse themselves. Consequently, any form of opposition or challenge to homosexual intercourse and marriage, even if solidly scriptural, is now labelled in the secular playbook as heresy and hate speech.

A.W. Pink noted in Gleanings in Genesis that the realm in which the arch-enemy works is not the moral but the spiritual. God’s Word is called into question, casting doubt on its integrity and denying its veracity. A quick check of the 1963 Abington School District v. Schempp case and the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges case will show that Pink’s assessment was absolutely spot-on.

Willful Biblical ignorance is the rule rather than the exception nowadays. Take for instance Meet The Press moderator David Gregory who on Aug. 14, 2011, asked then-Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann if she would submit to her husband if elected president. “Is that your view for women in America, is that your vision for them?” he underhandly goaded.

We look forward to the day when a moderator would ask, “Your position is that fear of the Lord is the principal part of knowledge as set forth in Proverbs 1:7. If elected, will you reestablish by Executive Order the Bible as the principal text of public education as conferred by the American Founders?”

Cracks in the foundation laid down by America’s Founders are turning into structural deterioration. Things have gone from bad to worse. Traumatic public health emergencies such as the COVID pandemic, on the other hand, would seem to contain divine pointers to help parents discover what’s really going on with their kids in public education and to show that the church’s greatest tests do not come from tyrannical governors, Blue State dictators, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Media and government collusion, but arises from sheepish prophets, timid priests and meek preachers.

Those who have no fear of God have also no genuine respect for their neighbor’s rights. If we are to ward off those seeking to destroy liberty, every church in America therefore should have a pastor, elder, deacon or congregant running for local office in 2024, 2026, 2028 and thereafter.

It always goes in the same way: Satan’s pursuits are held in check by the Holy Spirit and His church operating in the culture as Salt and Light. Once these restraining and preserving influences are thwarted or removed, nothing stands in the way of corruption gaining more ground, so advancing Satan’s abominable objectives.

Thankfully, with praise to Jehovah God, Gideons and Rahabs are entering the public square.

David Lane is the founder of the American Renewal Project

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