Morning Rundown: Troy Black Prophesied Vegas UFO Encounter 6 Days Before It Happened

(YouTube Screenshot/Troy Black)

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Troy Black Prophesied Vegas UFO Encounter 6 Days Before It Happened

Troy Black isn’t kidding himself, and he isn’t trying to put one over on believers or the prophetic community.

The author and prophet says he knows it sounds crazy, but on April 24, he heard a prophetic word from God, and the power of God came over him and the Holy Spirit began to speak to him. Indeed, the YouTube video proclaiming this prophetic word was posted over a month ago.

Then, it was reported on Fox News Digital and Charisma News that late on April 30 and early-morning on May 1, a family in Las Vegas, Nevada, saw what they believed to be a crash landing by a UFO and a “tall, skinny alien creature with greenish color.” The family described it as “no joke” and “terrifying.”

A Supernatural Evil: A Glimpse of Hell on Earth

This might just be the strongest and most convincing advertisement for accepting Jesus as your Savior there is.

Bill Wiese, the author of “23 Minutes in Hell,” says there is one period of time during the Tribulation that will be hell on earth for those alive to experience it. He asks, “Why would any rational person reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and be forced to endure what is coming?”

“Some may say I exaggerated the torment I experienced in my ’23 Minutes in Hell,’” Wiese says. “However, hell can never be exaggerated by anyone. The Tribulation period will certainly be like a hell on earth. But there is one aspect that occurs during the seven-year period that is actually a supernatural evil.

Pursuing Peace When Relationships Are Difficult 

Can you think of a time when you had an ongoing issue with someone in your life? Then, just when you thought you couldn’t take another minute, God asked you to hang in there one more time and not give up?

Maybe you’ve thought, “God, I have held my tongue and kept a good attitude with this person so many times, and now You want me to play the peacemaker again? This is just too much to ask!”

God calls each one of us to be an instrument of His peace. Many times this means being the first to ask forgiveness or sticking with someone who has tried our patience over and over again. And these situations are perfect opportunities God can use to build our character, causing other people to be the “sandpaper” that smooths down the rough edges in our personality.

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