Morning Rundown: The Truth About the Words You Speak

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

The Truth About the Words You Speak

Words are wonderful when they are used in a good way. They can encourage, edify and give confidence to the hearer. A right word spoken at the right time can actually be life-changing (Prov. 15:23).

But words can also keep us from experiencing God’s plans for our lives. Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV) says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue….”

Words are containers for power and we need to choose them carefully.

Will You Take the Narrow Road Chosen by Few?

Jesus Christ taught us that there is a very narrow road that leads to eternal life, and there is a wide road that leads to destruction. He said that He is the only way of salvation.

He told us to stand on the truth of God’s Word, maintain godly morals, love those who hate us and forgive all those who have wronged us. God has provided us with this moral standard not to restrict us but to protect us.

In today’s world, truth is rejected by more of the population and is actually considered narrow-minded. Tolerance has become the high moral ground instead of truth. We’re told we must accept everyone’s beliefs, no matter how morally depraved. To speak the truth is considered offensive and exclusive.

Earth Day Has Pentecostal Roots

The man who coined the name Earth Day was a Pentecostal minister who thought the observance would help promote peace and unity.

According to the Assemblies of God (AG) Heritage magazine, 95-year-old John McConnell Jr., a longtime Pentecostal and peace activist, first proposed the idea for Earth Day in 1969. His plan was to mark the day in late March at the start of spring to promote peace and justice as a prerequisite for ecological preservation.

But McConnell also was motivated by his faith. “We love God … [and therefore should] have an appreciation for His creation,” McConnell told AG Heritage, which is published by the Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center.

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