Morning Rundown: Rick Warren, Southern Baptists and the Firestorm Over Women Pastors

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Rick Warren, Southern Baptists and the Firestorm Over Women Pastors

Rick Warren is one of the most influential pastors in this country. His book “The Purpose Driven Life” is known as the best-selling nonfiction book of all time, with 50 million copies published. The congregation he has led for 42 years, Saddleback Church, has more than 30,000 members in 14 locations in southern California.

But Warren, who is 69, made lots of enemies last year when he ordained three women as staff pastors at Saddleback. The Southern Baptist Convention ousted the church in February of this year because the SBC maintains that the Bible forbids women to serve in pastoral positions. This week, when SBC delegates gather in New Orleans for their annual meeting, hardliners are likely to reinforce their stance against Saddleback.

“I publicly apologize to every good woman in my life, church and ministry that I failed to speak up for in my years of ignorance,” Warren said in a statement he posted on Twitter on June 10. “What grieves me is that I hindered them in obeying the Great Commission command (and Acts 2:17-18) that everyone is to teach in the church. I held them back from using the spiritual gifts and leadership skills that the Holy Spirit had sovereignly placed in them.”

Shawn Bolz: 3 Prophetic Words for the Rest of 2023

With these prophecies in mind, let’s continue to fuel our hope, knowing it’s not misplaced. No matter what comes our way, we can trust that God is working on our behalf.

He is molding us, refining us and guiding our lives according to His plan. We may not always see the whole picture, but we can trust that He’s piecing it all together for our good and His glory.

So, keep trusting in His process, even when you can’t see His plan. That is the faith journey, my friends. Keep pressing on, and until next time, stay hopeful.

SBC Votes to Uphold Removal of Saddleback Church

The Southern Baptist Convention voted to uphold the previous decision to remove Saddleback Church from the denomination at their annual meeting.

The California megachurch founded by Rick Warren was removed for the appointment of female pastors, a stance and practice the SBC rejects.

According to reports, the representatives attending the conference in New Orleans voted in overwhelming numbers to affirm the removal of Saddleback, 9,437 votes (88.62%) to 1,212 votes (11.38%), as well as Fern Creek Baptist Church of Louisville, Kentucky, (9,700 to 806) and Freedom Church of Vero Beach, Florida, (9,984 to 343).



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