Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Hated Is Growing Amid the Body of Messiah

It is doubtful that anyone, no matter what their theological or political beliefs, would argue with the statement that our world today is filled with hatred. One only needs to look at any of our media platforms to see that people are spreading hatred and division of every kind. It also seems as if the finger of the accusation of hatred is being pointed at an alarming rate at those who believe in the Bible.

Bible believers are often accused of being intolerant, a word which has been redefined to be synonymous with hate. These allegations of hatred are often followed up by those condemning Bible believers with a biblical quotation, such as these words of Yeshua (Jesus) found in Mark 12:28-31:

“One of the Torah scholars came and heard them debating. Seeing that Yeshua had answered them well, he asked Him, ‘Which commandment is first of all?’ Yeshua answered, ‘The first is, “Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad. Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One. And you shall love Adonai your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.” The second is this, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no other commandment greater than these.’”

Celebrating the 75th: Why Do You Love Israel?  

In honor of Israel’s 75th anniversary, Fellowship President and CEO Yael Eckstein visits the shuk, Jerusalem’s main marketplace, to interview people on what they love most about the state of Israel.

From the food to the beautiful landscapes of the Holy Land, there is a lot to love about Israel and its people. Watch and learn what others love about this beautiful land.

The Spirit of Pentecost in an Upside-Down World: Here’s how you can experience the power of the Spirit to turn your life right-side up for Jesus

Someone said living the Christian life is not difficult; it is impossible—that is, without the power of the Holy Spirit.

There is a power so great it can help you not only survive but also thrive in this crazy world. It’s a power that comes from God Almighty through the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit. It’s the power that took the teachings of a young carpenter from Galilee, turned upside down the most ruthless empire of its era and overcame the paganism that went with it.

The World Is Upside Down

Two thousand years after the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out and the church was birthed, this power can still give you joy and peace, release miracles and make you victorious no matter what. Even though this power seemed all but dormant for almost two millennia and some Christians say it ceased after the days of the apostles, I believe it has been restored to the church and is currently at work in the earth, just as the Bible says. It’s available today to help you understand the future, have faith to believe for miracles and experience unspeakable peace no matter your circumstances. Understanding some simple truths can unlock this power and help you navigate the chaos that I call an upside-down world. like those that have come throughout history at critical times like the ones in which we live.


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