Where Are You, Godly Man?

The Lord appointed men to lead, teach, protect and provide for their families. We now have a generation of men who are lazy and passive. When I say “lazy and passive,” I mean in the responsibility of engaging with their wives and children in meaningful conversations and teaching them the ways of God. Most men do go to work at a job and bring home a paycheck, but their contribution to the family usually stops there.

The men of this generation have given up their God-called duty of teaching and guiding their family over to the broken and morally failed American church system. The modern church is teaching deadly false doctrines and avoiding moral and sin issues. leaving the people with the impression that grace covers sin and that all is well. As a result, there is no soberness or urgency about sin anymore, much less the fear of God. The church is filled with members who are deeply connected to the world and live carnal lifestyles according to the flesh, and the pastors do not address any of this because they fear man and the loss of their monetary support.

To you, Mr. Lazy, Passive Man—it is because of you that the church has become morally bankrupt. It is because of you that divorce is rampant in the church. It is because of you that the church is full of false teachers. It is because you did nothing but sit in a pew and let all this happen without saying a word. It is because of you that our county is falling apart with chaos and riots in the streets.

If you had done what God called you to do during the last 75 years, then America would be far more stable and would really still be a Christian nation. But you refused to teach or discipline your children, and when the church started to take on the world’s philosophies and excuse sin, you sat there and did nothing.

Because of you, being the lazy, passive man that you are, our country is full of wickedness, and the church is just as sinful as the world. If you had stood up in the beginning when we as a nation began to fall, it would be much different now. Where were you when the church began to excuse sin and call it grace? Where were you when pastors quit their jobs and began to live a soft, easy lifestyle, being paid for preaching so they could tickle ears? Where were you when the church began to accept divorce as a normal part of being a Christian? Where were you when the church and pastors began to count success by numbers and dollars rather than by holiness? Where were you when youth teachers moved away from teaching godly principles to focusing on fun and games? Where were you when the sexually immoral were allowed into the church and even to become pastors? Where were you when the false prophets were invading the church like a horde from hell?

What false doctrine did you ever challenge with Scripture? Were you on the golf course or maybe hunting and fishing? Or were you too busy with watching the sports events or playing video games? Maybe you didn’t notice what was really going on because you were obsessed with pornography?

If you are the man I just described, and you wonder what is wrong with our country with all that is going on, just go look in the mirror, and you will see the problem.

“I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one (Ezek 22:30, NASB, author’s emphasis).

To hear more of Don Britton’s teaching on this topic, click here for the entire podcast.

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