What sorts of things affect my sex drive?


Question: What sorts of things affect my sex drive?

Answer: You may like to think of yourself as the Energizer bunny when it comes to sex. You just keep going and going … . But the truth is, several factors affect your sex drive.

First, marital discord can greatly diminish your desire to be sexually intimate with your spouse. If you are feeling constantly disapproved of or criticized, or are having ongoing fights with your wife, your desire for sex will likely suffer.

Depression, whether it’s caused by a chemical imbalance, situational pressure or years of suppressed anger, can also negatively impact your sex drive.

Stress can also play a role. If you are overstressed, overworked, overeating and don’t have stress outlets such as vigorous exercise or good friends to laugh with, you could find yourself less interested in sex.

Porn is another sex killer. It might seem like it would be a sex stimulant. In reality though, it only diminishes your drive for a real person by focusing it on an unhealthy fantasy.

The sexual reinforcement from porn can make you dependent on sinful fantasies to reach an orgasm during intercourse with your wife. Over years you can become sexually dependent on porn and sexually anorexic with your spouse. Ultimately it can leave you both with a lower sexual desire.

On the other hand, if you exercise and have spiritual and emotional intimacy with your spouse outside the bedroom, you might not even struggle with a low sexual desire. Live a balanced life, and even your golden years can be sexually fulfilling.

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