Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

What Every Young-Adult Daughter Needs to Hear From Her Dad

There is one thing every woman needs: a father’s wisdom. Whatever your situation, the Letters to my Daughter book will echo a father’s love for his little girl.

I wrote these letters every day for my daughter during her freshman year at college. Not only did my letters touch her heart but the hearts of her friends as well. With my daughter’s permission, I am sharing with you my heart as her father. I pray God uses these to bless you, cause you to think, make wise decisions and help you become the awesome daughter of God He created you to be!

My Daughter,

I hope your day is as bright as you are. Your smile lights up the room, so smile and make those around you have a brighter day.

I want to share with you a secret of being rewarded by God. The first thing to know is that reward is the third stage of a process. You can look up the story of the talents to support what I am telling you.

Stage 1, God gives you a gift, and His gifts are without repentance. You will always have God’s gifts in your life whether you use them wisely or unwisely.

Stage 2, This is the most critical stage for it determines your reward. In this stage, you have to be responsible, creative and industrious with your gifts. This is the stage you are in during college. So use your gifts as often as possible. I must say as a side note, I am very pleased with you in this stage so far; you are set up to be blessed.

Stage 3 is the reward. God determines the reward be it revelation or managing cities in some way. Your responsibility is setting you up! I love watching this season of your life. You don’t know what God’s up to yet, but He blesses those who faithfully pursue Him and are responsible, creative and industrious in the season they are currently in.

You are an amazing daughter and a daughter of God. He gave you life, and I love what He is doing with your life. As a Dad, I get to watch your life like a movie, and so far, it’s awesome.

I want to share with you something that can allow you to see how you are approaching life. Leaders tend to be proactive in life. They are likely to have goals or lists to get done. They tend to try to be ahead on the big and small things in their life. They know they have the power to choose their attitude and love the freedom that being responsible gives to them.

Then there are those who choose to react to life. They tend to think life is unfair, don’t want responsibility and don’t want to organize to be successful. Over decades, they tend to resent successful people and have to make excuses for how their life turned out. Reacting to life is a choice, and those people tend to think they’re victims.

You are a woman with a divine gift, a divine nature and a divine assignment. As you stay proactive, you are likely to not only be successful but at the end hear “well done” from both God and me as we watch the whole movie of your life.

Love you,


Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books, including Letters to my Daughter. You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, or on his Facebook, by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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