Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Tony Morgan: Jesus and Football

Jesus photo

Football season is right around the corner, and so it’s been one of the hot topics of conversation around our home.

I have one son, Jacob. He’s a sophomore this year. When he graduates, I’m guessing the conversations in the Morgan household will be very different. For now, though, I will take advantage of every opportunity I can get to feed my football fix.

In one recent football conversation, Jacob took things in a very odd direction. He likes to share his opinions. (I don’t know where he got that.) He likes to debate. (Again, this must come from his mother.) In this instance, though, I have no idea what he was thinking. The conversation went something like this:

Jacob: If Jesus played football, I don’t think he would be very good.

T-Daddy (That’s what my kids call me.): Have you had one too many of those brain-stunting Monster drinks? What would make you think that?

Jacob: Have you seen the pictures of Jesus? He’s meek and mild. He wears a robe and sandals. The man has feathered hair!

T-Daddy: Don’t believe all those pictures of Jesus that you see. Just because he wore sandals doesn’t mean he isn’t strong. Just because artists show him with long, flowing, feathered hair doesn’t mean he isn’t powerful.

Jacob: You can’t convince me. If Jesus played football, he would be a kicker … for the Bengals.

You need to know the Morgans are Cleveland Browns fans. Because of that, we’re nurtured from an early age to believe anyone who plays for the Cincinnati Bengals is rather wimpy.

Or, for those who prefer political correctness, they are people who are biologically challenged. Thusly, if you are going to be relegated to being a placekicker, the Bengals would be the lowest of the low.

Of course, as Jacob and I are having this conversation, my daughter, Brooke, is right beside us taking it all in. She’s eight, but she knows both Jesus and football.

She listened for a few moments, and then pipes in with this:

“You know–He can hear you.”

Like I said, Brooke knows both Jesus and football. And she was right. Jesus was listening.

“O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. You see me when I travel and when I rest at home. You know everything I do. You know what I am going to say even before I say it, Lord.” (Psalm 139:1-4, NLT)

That was the day that my eight-year-old reminded us that Jesus is with us. He’s listening. He’s watching. His desire is to be fully engaged in our lives.

With that in mind, I’m going to talk to Jesus … and find out if he knows anything about fantasy football.

Tony Morgan is the chief strategic officer and founder of He’s a consultant, leadership coach and writer who helps churches get unstuck.

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