Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Married Dead: When Divorce Looks Eminent

If you're contemplating divorce, shouldn't you consult with God first?

4. Do you know what the deepest attainable desire of your wife’s heart is? If you don’t know, you should!  Find out and work towards it!

5. When was the last time you set personal goals for your family? Without a vision, the people perish.  Without a vision of a future together, you can forget you have one or easily write yourself out of it.

Men, it’s time to take a stand, take a firm hold of our responsibilities, set a course for the future, lead our wives and our families and change the statistical nightmare of the “divorce apocalypse” in our country, and in our church.  Let’s take our families back!

How did you rate? What is one area mentioned above that you could start improving in your marriage this week?

Steven Miller is a Family Life Pastor at Crystal River Church of God, an ordained minister in the Church of God, the Men’s Ministry leader of Warriors with a Covenant and a Married Life Small group marriage ministry leader. Steve and his wife Jessica present regularly for the Marriage Restored Conference. You can read more of his work at Marriage Encounter and read his book “Fight for Her! A Marriage in Crisis and God’s Intervention.”

For the original article, visit

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