Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Married Dead: When Divorce Looks Eminent

If you're contemplating divorce, shouldn't you consult with God first?

1. Have you led your home well? Spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally, intellectually, how have you led your home?  You are most certainly a leader, you’re either a good leader or a bad leader.  You are the CEO, like it or not.  It may not be your fault, but it is your responsibility. (If you’re a bad leader, you can improve!)

2. Have you loved your wife well? “Steve, you don’t know my wife, she’s hard to love”.  You picked her. You promised to have and to hold her and to protect her in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, she is your responsibility. I didn’t say this was easy. It is a challenge, but you can do it.

3. How’s your relationship with God? Are you a man who chases the heart of God?  Do you die to selfishness daily?  Do you spend time in study and in prayer?  Do you display the fruits of the Spirit?

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