Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Take the Marriage Prayer Challenge

Man and wife
  1. Begin praying The Marriage Prayer for your spouse every day.
  2. Show the prayer to the leaders of your couples’ or adult ministries. Paint a picture for them of what it would be like if every married person in your church prayed for their spouse every day. Pray together that God would do something great in the lives of your people.
  3. Download and print or purchase pre-printed cards here for every couple in your church. Give them out on a Sunday morning or host a Marriage Prayer Adventure evening for your couples with one of our faculty members from Man in the Mirror.
  4. You can also find posters, bulletin inserts, email headers, flyers, PowerPoint backgrounds, and message outlines to support your emphasis on the website.
  5. If desired, use The Marriage Prayer book with couples’ groups or an adult class at the church.
  6. After introducing the concept to your church, ask couples to commit to pray The Marriage Prayer every day for 21 days.
  7. Send an email each week during the three-week adventure reminding couples to pray for their spouse.

Watch God begin to work in the lives of your people. Get testimonies of changed lives. Be sure to share them through stories in the bulletin, short video testimonies in the worship service, or follow-up couples’ events.

A prayer for Ladies: “Father, I said, ‘’Til death do us part’—I want to mean it. Help me love You more than him and him more than anyone or anything else. Help me bring him into Your presence today. Make us one, like You are three-in-one. I want to hear him, support him, and serve him—so he would love You more and we can bring You glory. Amen.”

A Prayer for Guys: “Father, I said, ‘’Til death do us part’—I want to mean it. Help me love You more than her, and her more than anyone or anything else. Help me bring her into Your presence today. Make us one, like You are three-in-one. I want to hear here, cherish her and serve her—so she would love You more and we can bring You Glory. Amen.”

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