Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Promise Keepers ‘Is Back’—Let’s Rally Men to Attend This Year

Promise Keepers Orlando 2012

For me and many of my friends, attending Promise Keepers together was a highlight of our lives back in the mid-1990s. At one point, I counted that I had been to 23 events, culminating with the huge rally in Washington, D.C., that had to have more than a million men in attendance. 

A lot has changed since then. If anything, we need Promise Keepers more than ever. A lot of twists and turns in the ministry in the past several years meant that Promise Keepers was not what it once was. But I’m glad to report that Promise Keepers is back!

This year, Promise Keepers is at six locations, and I think it would be wonderful if thousands of men would rally their friends and go to Promise Keepers like in the old days.

The first two-day conference is set for Phoenix, Ariz., on May 17 and 18. It will be followed by events in Nashville, Tenn. (June 21-22), Cedar Falls, Iowa (July 19-20), Battle Creek, Mich. (Aug. 23-24), Tulsa, Okla. (Sept. 20-21), and Daytona Beach, Fla. (Oct. 25-26).

Later, I will write more about Promise Keepers, but I urge you to put this on your calendar now. Help us spread the word, and let’s take our friends and family who are either not believers in Jesus or whose fervor has run cold. 

Billy Graham’s son Franklin has been quoted as saying, “Promise Keepers has won more men to Christ than my father.” However, statistics convey that men in America are in deep emotional and spiritual trouble these days.

  • Divorce in the Christian community is competing with the 50-percent rate of divorce in the secular community.
  • Two of every 5 Christian marriages experience physical abuse at the hands of the man.
  • Only 4 percent of the Millennial generation (age 15-30) have a biblically based faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Nine of 10 young adults who grow up in the church leave the church when they graduate high school.

Spiritual transformation through Promise Keepers ministry is desperately needed because men are warriors who are simply asleep at the wheel.

This year’s theme for Promise Keepers is “Awakening the Warrior,” while the vision is “Men Transforming the World.” A powerful lineup of speakers is scheduled for the events, including Coach Bill McCartney, Miles McPherson, Sam Rodriguez, Dr. Raleigh Washington, Crawford Loritts, Gary Rosberg, Derwin Gray, Brad Stine, Dan Seaborn, Rick Rigsby and more.

Christian artists Lincoln Brewster and Jeremy Camp are also scheduled to perform at Promise Keepers events.

On a more personal note, I’m happy that we’re able to partner with Promise Keepers and help them put out the program they will hand out at the events. We’re actually selling advertising for it to companies that are interested not only in reaching the 30,000 or so that they estimate to attend, but also in supporting the ministry. 

Leave comments about your experiences at Promise Keepers and tell us if you plan to attend and take several of your best friends with you.

Steve Strang is the founder and publisher of Charisma. Follow him on Twitter at @sstrang or on Facebook (stephenestrang).

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