Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prepare for the Season of Fruit: Cultivating the Spirit’s Seed Inside You

Take time on a regular basis to not only accept the seed of God in you, but to also nurture its growth, water it, give it light and try to make it a shorter path for it to grow and be seen and eaten by others too.

I want the shorter path myself. I want God to be glorified by getting more of His kind, loving, gentle nature through me. I want people all over to be able to taste the fruit of God. I want them to see Jesus. I am aware I occasionally fail like everyone else, but over time and cultivation, I want the success of His fruit to be dominant in me.

I know I’m not the only one who has the desire of His seed to be seen and eaten by others. Almost everyone reading this article has that desire. How do I know, you ask? Because that is the very desire of the seed. You see, you’re already growing with fruit. You, by the Spirit of God, have His fruit inside of you. God, already through Christ and by the Holy Spirit, planted His seed in you.

The seed is not the issue. Inside this seed is the very DNA of God: His heart, His mind, His will and His nature. If you know anything about seeds, you know a seed can only become itself. You see, the seed of God in you is already faithful. The seed inside you is patient and forgiving. The seed in you also desires to be of service, be respectful, be kind and celebrate.

This spirit is already inside you. We are not creating a seed and then planting some other kind of seed. Rather, what we are doing is acknowledging a seed that already rests inside your being. My heart’s desire is that you become so fruitful that not only your spouse benefits, but also those around you benefit from your fruitfulness.

Intentional farming is work. And yes, it’s daily. Some parts of the field will be easy to plow, and some will be harder.

I caution you here: Don’t focus on the work. Jesus went to the cross (works) because of the joy that was set before Him. He could look down the halls of time and see that you were so worth it.

He was beaten, but it still was worth it to touch your soul and be in a relationship with you in the distant future. So don’t worry; it won’t get that bad for you. There’s some discomfort here and there as the dirt turns over to expose the seed in the ground.

But look at the season of fruit. Imagine your marriage with the increased fruit of God in it. Imagine yourself with more fruit to offer. Imagine your children. Now go down a few generations; you’re looking down from heaven and your great-great-grandchild is giving fruit away to their generation like candy. You feel a hand on your shoulder, and you feel a smile as Jesus speaks to you as you’re both watching your great-great-grandchild, and He says, “Well done.”

Oh, the joy that sets before you is eternal. So get ready to plow; there is a harvest so sweet ahead of you. {eoa}

Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books including, The 7 Love Agreements. You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, or on his Facebook, by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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