Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Patriotism and Faith Go Hand in Hand

American Flag

Patriotism: Love for or devotion to one’s country. Faith: Belief and trust in and loyalty to God.

Recently, I had the opportunity to hear a story of one persons experience to the national anthem and reverence for the military at a baseball game. This person is from another country, and she talked about how moved to tears she was during this event.

She expressed that, in her country, they don’t reverence the military and their service like we do at sports events, much less in any public forum. I started thinking on this a couple of different ways.

It is so common for us to stand up for opening ceremonies at different events. It’s a natural and cultural thing, I reckon, here in the USA. I never served in the military, but my father did as a Marine in the Pacific arena during WWII. I highly respect our military and am proud of all who serve for our great country. We all have a level of patriotism in our lives, but do we express our faith so comfortably as we do our patriotism?

Think about this: In a simple opening ceremony at a baseball game, one foreign visitor was touched and moved by the simple act of standing, taking off hats, and putting hands over hearts. It is a very common practice with zero feeling of awkwardness.

This is how simple our lives should reflect the love of Christ to others. Without any brashness of character or haughtiness in spirit we simply honor our past and present military, but when it comes to sharing Christ we at times become cowards, ashamed of what we have faith in!     

I am learning to take a stronger stance in my faith. I serve a true, living God that loves me. It’s important to not only take a stand for things in our faith, but to live the faith in a way that really impacts our world. My belief and trust needs to supersede the devotion to my country. I love my country, but I love my God more.

With today’s challenges of our country it can be disheartening for the Christian faith, but we must remember that the love of Christ must be lived out in order to touch lives.

So, let’s work on our lives men, be bold, take courage in the faith God put in you. He is forever faithful in all things.

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