Men, Check This Vital Sign of Optimal Health

Men, are you:

—Tired all the time and unable to sleep well?

—Not getting the results you used to at the gym?

—Not as sharp and focused at work?

—Gaining a spare tire around your waist?

—Feeling depressed and irritable?

—Experiencing low libido?

Men, do you want to feel your best? Have you been feeling tired and unmotivated? Are you having unexplained weight gain? If you have any or all of the above concerns, then it’s time for a testosterone check.

In this podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze discusses the importance of optimal testosterone levels in men to help maintain mental and physical health naturally. Testosterone is significant in maintaining brain function, cardiovascular health and strong muscles and bones, preventing the onset of osteoporosis and osteopenia. It also improves romantic moods and inclinations.

Dr. Hotze shares the common symptoms of low testosterone such as fatigue, low libido and lack of initiative, assertiveness and drive. Low testosterone can also cause a decline in sense of well-being and self-confidence, as well as depressed, irritable moods.

Did you know that petroleum products found in the environment can affect a man’s testosterone level? It’s true. Xenoestrogens can minimize the body’s production of testosterone, and it’s occurring a much younger age than in the past.

Do you want to learn more? Click here to listen to this podcast now on Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolution on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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