Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Living Your Life to the Fullest Is Impossible Without Recognizing This Core Truth

Knowing that you are created for pleasure is critical to living your life to the fullest on planet Earth. Knowledge of your very own pleasure zones and pleasure hierarchy can make your life so much more enjoyable. Not only will your life be better, you will live better with the other pleasure machines you live with.

Pleasure is so important to all of our lives, and yet we rarely if ever take a moment to really understand, appreciate and plan for it. Oh, occasionally you will talk about a particular pleasure in your life, but when was the last time you actually talked about your pleasures?

As a counselor for more than 30 years, I have found it absolutely amazing how couples are often complex, varied and sometimes balancing of their significant other’s opposite pleasure zones. Then when you add those wonderful creatures called children, we even have more variations of pleasure zones. So understanding your pleasure zones and the pleasure zones of others can also help you in your marriage and with family, friends and even coworker relationships. The application of understanding pleasure zones is as limitless as relationships themselves.

Power is often an unseen force that makes things happen. The fact that it is unseen does not in any way mitigate that there is real power involved. Let’s talk about a few unseen powers that you engage in regularly within your daily life. You can hear the wind at times, and you can feel it on some days as well. There are few things that feel better on a beach or in the mountains than a cool breeze.

Yet the wind is absolutely unseen. You can, however, see its impact and even harness its great power. I know many of us as children were amazed at a pinwheel for at least a few moments. We would see this almost flower-shaped object that by itself wasn’t too enamoring. Then the wind would come along and capture it, and the pinwheel would spin and spin. The harder the wind, the faster the little pinwheel would work.

Modern man has made greater applications of the pinwheel. This unseen power of the wind moves large windmills, creating enough power to energize a house or even neighborhoods if put together well. Gravity is another unseen stealth power. Every day, you engage in gravity. Every time you put yourself on the scale, you experience gravity. As we walk, play or throw things, gravity is in place. Gravity is a real power, and you never win when you come into conflict with it.

Like the wind, gravity is unseen but has a powerful existence in our lives. We could go on and on about the consequences of power that are around us every day, but I think you get the point.

Pleasure is one of these very significant but unseen powers. You can’t see it, but you can realize its impact. What pushes a person to run, swim, eat sweets, shop or meditate?  It’s pleasure that motivates these behaviors. You can’t see it, but its power can be the largest influence in your life and in the lives of those you love.

The pleasure power is at work daily and consistently, but unseen, in your life. It drives you at times. It helps you make both minor and major choices on how you spend your time, energy and money. At times, the power of pleasure is also directing the choices of relationships that you have or don’t have.

You see, your life is like that pinwheel. There is an unseen wind blowing you. You will see the power of pleasure as the unseen driver of your car. You’ll also be able to harness the power of pleasure so that you can lead a life of ongoing pleasure. You were created for pleasure, just as the pinwheel was created for the wind.

Once you understand and harness your pleasure zones to work for you, your life can be so different. Imagine a life that is balanced and going from pleasure to pleasure. Often because we don’t understand, we can have consequences for not managing the power of pleasure. You are created for pleasure, and as you accept this, it can change your life! {eoa}

Doug Weiss, Ph.D. is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books including, The Power of Pleasure. You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, or on his Facebook or by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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