Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Kenny Luck on Power Politics and the Rise of Guys

businessman with Bible and flag

“Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save. When their spirit departs, they return to the ground; on that very day their plans come to nothing. Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord his God” (Ps. 146:3-5, NIV).


This is strong biblical medicine for God’s people on Election Day or post-Election Day. It’s a “Come to Yahweh” moment America. He knows that many followers of Jesus are heavily invested in the outcome of this election and God pokes His people in the midst of their political punch-drunkness that these outcomes pass through His filter before man’s ballots and the Electoral College. He knows that on Wednesday some of us will say, “God allowed this outcome.” Others will say, “God wanted this outcome.” But either way, God admonishes His people that the outcome must not hijack our hopes or ransom our fears about the future.

Neither the failures nor successes of men suggest the victory or defeat of God in my private life. The failure (and win for the devil) is if I permit political failures or success to obscure my view of and hope in God. Whether your guy wins or whether he loses, God is concerned with where your faith in him and life for him goes in light of the result. So is Satan.

Look, I admit it. I want my guy to win this presidential election on Tuesday. But I want God’s kingdom in me and through me to win more in the days that follow—way more. Regardless of who wins the White House, my eyes must be fixed on the man who will be riding the White Horse described in Revelation 19. Ultimately, every believer should be backing that horse moving forward as their primary campaign, candidate, identity, energy and expression.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm” (Ps. 20:7-8).

Don’t miss this. Others are crumpling (“brought to their knees”) because of misplaced hopes,“but we rise up and stand firm.”  Right now this means while the hopes of others rise or fall based on their guy’s performance on election night, we have our eyes locked onto the face of God.

The Bible says, “Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered in shame,” (Ps. 34:5). So what does it mean to “look to him” in the midst of this political season and “shine like stars in the universe” as the Scripture says we are to do against the black skies of lost elections, bad economic news, natural disasters, and challenges foreign and domestic?

Answer: Living Spirit-filled and Spirit-formed as men of God.

Remember this: It was in the midst of a politically charged and tense environment that God chose to birth the church, turn broken male culture upside down, and spawn a movement of strong men motivated by the Spirit of God which dominated the news cycle of the times.

Men filled and formed by the Holy Spirit resulted in visible and authentic works of the kingdom, which overshadowed the shallow political and religious manipulations and movements of the time.

The Holy Spirit borrows Peter’s mouth and starts firing polished arrows of gospel hope and fulfillment into one male heart after another. Once pierced, He then proceeds to fill and form Jewish men who now begin to act strangely inclusive, compassionate and accepting of the very same people who for centuries they have marginalized in the name of religion or misplaced nationalism. Everyone is astonished by their transformation of character and conduct all in the span of a day or two.

There is no other explanation—only God himself could turn broken male culture on its head like that! This witness of transformed men is unequivocal and thousands more come to Christ from all segments of society. Jewish men begin to relieve pain versus cause it. They start reducing loads versus creating burdens. They are raising spirits versus crushing them. They are reaching souls versus remaining soulless.

A sleeping giant rises in the name of Jesus.

In the midst of first-century power politics, the world was brought by God to Jerusalem to see men filled, formed and transformed before their eyes. The reaction? A massive harvest of souls and the beginning burst of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission moving outward to every nation. The world is watching once again and wondering aloud: Will good men rise for us to redeem?

Join the rise of Spirit-filled guys.

Kenny Luck is the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., and the president and founder of Every Man Ministries ( He has authored and co-authored nearly 20 books, including his latest, Sleeping Giant: No Movement of God without Men of God (B&H Books). Join Kenny on Facebook or follow him on Twitter.

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