Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Promise Keepers Keeping Its Promise to Disciple Men

Promise Keepers

With the growing culture of immorality and indifference, America needs Promise Keepers (PK) more than ever. During its first two events in 2013—in Phoenix and Nashville—president and CEO Raleigh Washington says PK has already made a big impact.

“Attendance at our first two conferences have more than doubled that of last year, averaging more than 4,000 men,” Washington says. “Altar calls have been super. More than 80 decisions for Christ were made at both events, as well as several hundred men responding to altar calls to turn away from Internet pornography, to protect their families and to refuse to compromise biblical principles.

“We are receiving numerous comments from attendees that PK is better than ever. The speakers have been superb, and Jeremy Camp and Lincoln Brewster leading worship is just what young men are looking for.”

Washington says that 50 percent of the men in attendance during the first two PK events were age 30 and below.

The next Promise Keepers conference is set for July 19-20 in Cedar Falls, Iowa, followed by events at Battle Creek, Mich. (Aug. 23-24), Tulsa, Okla. (Sept. 20-21), and Daytona Beach, Fla. (Oct. 25-26).

Billy Graham’s son, Franklin, has been quoted as saying, “Promise Keepers has won more men to Christ than my father.” However, statistics convey that men in America are in deep emotional and spiritual trouble these days:

  • Divorce in the Christian community is competing with the 50-percent rate of divorce in the secular community.
  • Two of every 5 Christian marriages experience physical abuse at the hands of the man.
  • Only 4 percent of the Millennial generation (age 15-30) have a biblically based faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Nine of 10 young adults who grow up in the church leave the church when they graduate high school.

This year’s theme for Promise Keepers is “Awakening the Warrior,” while the vision is “Men Transforming the World.” A powerful lineup of speakers is scheduled for the events, including Coach Bill McCartney, Miles McPherson, Sam Rodriguez, Dr. Raleigh Washington, Crawford Loritts, Gary Rosberg, Derwin Gray, Brad Stine, Dan Seaborn, Rick Rigsby and more.

Cost for the events is $69 for individuals, $59 for men in groups of 2-10, and $49 for groups of 10 or more.

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