Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Jameis Winston: ‘They Will Be Held Accountable’

Jameis Winston

As part of the written statement delivered during his two-day student conduct hearing, Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston spoke some significant truth. Although the five-page statement was undoubtedly written by his attorneys, Winston will be credited with statements like, “The only thing as vicious as rape is falsely accusing someone of rape.”

Who can argue with that?

Winston, the 2013 Heisman Trophy winner, has built a history of questionable conduct and decisions in his short time at FSU ranging from stealing crab legs at Publix to this alleged rape. Each of them has garnered an apology or denial from Winston, but no apparent change to his attitude or conduct.

Throughout his rather graphic statement regarding the rape accusation, Winston provided his version of events, which seem to support his defense that the sex between him and his accuser was consensual and not rape. Unfortunately, the legality of the sex is all anyone in the media or his conduct hearing will focus on. As men of God, shouldn’t we look further?

Is the real problem for Winston whether or not the sex was consensual or that he was pursuing sex with a woman he had just met? One of the surest ways to avoid a rape allegation is to follow God’s way and not release your sex drive outside of marriage.

In Scripture, we see repeated references to sexual misconduct and immorality. Words translated as ‘fornication’ and ‘adultery’ are found in 32 of the 66 books of the Bible. Each instance comes with either a warning, correction or example of violating God’s principles of relationship.

When God separated humanity in to male and female (Gen. 1:27, 2:21-22), He had a specific code of conduct in mind for each that we see culminated in the picture of Christ and the church. The clear directive is that the man will lead, provide, protect and serve the woman to the point of laying his own life down for her (Eph. 5:21-33). These are the rights and responsibilities of being a husband.

Embracing the authority and privilege of being a husband in God’s kingdom changes my perspective. Sex is no longer simply a means of fleeting physical pleasure, but a fulfilling of Scripture as man and woman become “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24) in holy union before God.

As I take seriously the notion that a husband is to care for his wife as he cares for his own body; washing her in the Word and making her spotless and radiant (Eph. 5:26, 27, 29), I look at women differently. I’m invested and will fight anyone who threatens any aspect of my wife.

A gallant man must understand that these principles extend beyond the covenant of marriage. Sexual intimacy is directed only at my wife, but Christ-like conduct is toward every woman. To see them all as daughters, sisters or mothers who are worthy of honor and protection is our duty.

If I believed God has called every husband for the all-out investment outlined in Ephesians 5, would I actually consider defiling a woman outside of marriage? Whether I am married or not, knowing the commitment and service required of every husband toward his wife brings a sobriety to my conduct.

The authority given to a man to become a husband is from God. As a man under authority, it is my honor to respect and protect those guarded by another’s authority as I would my own. I not only honor the woman with my proper conduct, but her father or husband as well.

This concept of authority is often lost in the system of man-made law where the only question to answer is one of legality. Authentic men operate on a level that requires more because we know there is a higher judgment where we will receive according to the content of our hearts, not just the letter of a law.

Jameis Winston states toward the end of his reading that the accuser’s “destructive media campaign” and “false allegations” have compromised his rights and will follow him for the rest of his life. His answer to his own statement was his final shot of truth fired across the bow.

“At some point, they will be held accountable … .”

Yes they will, Jameis. We all will.

PJ McClure’s mission is to bring power to families by reaching the men of each generation with God’s purpose. As an author, speaker and personal coach, PJ communicates the FiveStarMan movement from middle schoolers to grandfathers. You can read more at

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