Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

‘I’m Ashamed to Admit I Have a Problem With Masturbation’

depressed man

Here’s the Deal: Embracing a biblical worldview brings liberty and guilt-free sexuality.

1. There is both beauty and mystery in sex.

Many Christians are ashamed to discuss what God is not ashamed to create and call “very good” (Gen. 5:2). Satan seems to have engineered a conspiracy of silence on the subject of sex in many circles.

Jesus said, “The thief (Satan) comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (Jn. 10:10). This includes a rich and fulfilling sexual experience when aligned with God’s unchanging standards.

Sexual pleasure is of divine origin, a gift from Almighty God, and enjoyed to the fullest when aligned with the will of God in covenant marriage.

According to Scripture, the wisest human being was King Solomon who wrote over 1,000 songs. His greatest song was the “Song of Songs” describing in poetic terms an amorous relationship between a pure maiden and her shepherd lover. It is a celebration of marital intimacy that includes:

  • Erotic dialogue throughout.
  • Enjoyment of her breasts (7:7-8).
  • Intoxicating kissing (1:2).     
  • Manual stimulation (2:6).
  • Sensual description of a lover (7:1-9).
  • Extensive use of highly sensuous and suggestive imagery involving the mouth, touch and perfumed aromas..

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