Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to ‘Conquer’ the Travesty of Porn

Conquer Series

According to a study, a total of 56 percent of divorce cases involved one partner having an obsessive interest in pornography sites.

KingdomWorksStudios has released a new cinematic film series that’s helped over 300,000 men begin the journey to conquer porn and walk in sexual integrity. It’s a “journey” because this is no quick fix. It takes the renewal of the mind, and that’s a process.

In essence, pornography is destroying families.

“The church is in the sexual battle of its life,” says Dr. Doug Weiss, author of the book Clean.

“It’s going to really sweep through the church like a tsunami wave of destruction in the family,” says Dr. James Reeves, senior pastor of City on a Hill Church in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

For more information, visit

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